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2014 Unbridled Mud Trials

The 2014 Unbridled Mud Trials took place at Island 22 on Sept 27.  I shot about 275 images that you can see below (if you are on the main page, you will need to click on the photo above to view the rest).  If you want to comment on individual photos, jump over to my page on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/CoryCarruthersPhotography).

High resolution versions of these photos (without my logo on them) are available for purchase.  Cost is $5 per image, with 50% of that being donated back to organizers of the event.  If you would like order images, note the image number of each photo (you can see the image number at the bottom on each image when you click on them. It will look something like MudRunSept2014-003-9575) and email me at ccarruthers@gmail.com and I will send you a link to securely pay for them with your credit card.